“Understand your people first,” Nicole Estebanell from Mediahub Worldwide

Feb 11, 2025

Meet Nicole Estebanell, US CEO at Mediahub Worldwide, where she brings 25+ years of experience in media and marketing. Nicole is a transformational leader, bringing global perspectives and cultural aptitude that deeply resonate with marketers, colleagues, and partners. Her passion for media, technology, and culture have led her to spearhead award-winning work while focusing on driving tangible business results. Outside of Nicole’s innovative work, she speaks at industry events such as Advertising Week New York and Cannes Lions, and she has been honored with awards like the Changing the Game award from She Runs It. 

Nicole sat down with Jocelyn Hudak, Senior Director, Content and Digital Marketing at SiriusXM Media in our booth at CES to talk about finding a human connection in a world filled with technology, the importance of creating space for others to thrive, and leading with clarity.

Get ready to feel empowered and tune in to the full interview below. 

Pass the Mic with Nicole Estebanell - Full Interview

Understand your people first. Without your people, you can't do anything. And that's how you show up and fight for them.

Nicole EstebanellUS CEO, Mediahub Worldwide

Create space at the table.

Create space at the table, Nicole Estebanell - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “Create space at the table for everyone to sit at or feel safe and be vulnerable. That's really important. In addition to creating a culture and a vibrant agency that can be agile, and nimble, and change, and grow, and usher in this new chapter in a really exciting way. The entirety of everyone that steps foot into Mediahub believes in it, fiercely wants to fight for it, and is proud to be part of it.” - Nicole Estebanell 

Foster room for risks.

Foster room for risks, Nicole Estebanell - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “Create a space where people can take risks and feel like they have the space to bring ideas forward on accounts. And for junior people, it's important to feel that they've got that support. Good ideas can come from anywhere. We have to show up curious and inspired, but we also have to create the space where there is safety to come up with ideas and to take big swings.” - Nicole Estebanell 

Lead with clarity and courage.

Lead with clarity and courage, Nicole Estebanell - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “Clarity is important, especially as a leader, to articulate the vision or to articulate the expectations. And the courage to ask the tough questions, to take big swings, to know that I'm not going to always get it right, that I might make some mistakes, but to get back up and know that at the end of the day, I'm working on behalf of the best interest of the people that work for me and the clients that have put their trust in us.” - Nicole Estebanell 

Find the human connection.

Find the human connection, Nicole Estebanell - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “We are surrounded by technology. Technology is the enabler, not the heart. And that human connection is critical… As technology is accelerating how we work, and we've got access to more tools and data than ever before, that human connection is what drives teams.” - Nicole Estebanell 

Nicole’s drive to find empathy in the workplace and foster real connections is what makes her such a great leader. If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out our Pass the Mic page.

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