
Turn Up Your Retail Media Network Strategy with Audio

May 15, 2024

Here’s a question: Do you know what happens when you combine the first-party data of a leading retail media network (RMN) with the largest ad-supported audio ecosystem? If you said a best-in-class campaign that reaches millions of shoppers, we’re impressed. If not, you’re probably missing out on the power of adding audio to your retail media network buy. 

But don’t worry—we’ll show you exactly how to get started. First, download our Retail Media Network and Audio Playbook. Then, check out the recording of our latest LinkedIn Audio Event, Turn Up Your Retail Media with Audio. Our experts Adam Ross, Director, Shopper Marketing and Retail Media Partnerships, and Jim Kortovich, Programmatic Sales Executive, chatted with the DG Media Network’s Leigh Lovett, Director, Client AD Sales, about:

  • How audio + RMNs enhance targeting capabilities to engage ideal shoppers

  • Innovative strategies for maximizing sonic success in retail media network campaigns

  • The agility of programmatic execution through self-serve or traditional RMN teams

  • How DGMN is leveraging audio to grow their business and boost results for their suppliers

  • And so much more

Turn Up Your Retail Media Network Strategy with Audio

Don’t have time to check out the whole recording? Take a listen to some of our conversation highlights below, instead. 

Primed to serve as an off-site extension.

Primed to serve as an off-site extension - Adam Ross

Highlight: “When retail media really kind of began to take off… we were already working with many of our retail partners’ top suppliers and seeing the great results that audio can provide for their commerce and marketing objectives. And because of that, we were really trying to serve as an off-site extension for retail media networks to help them get more advanced messaging and storytelling to their shoppers, and to really to extend their platform and extend their reach to help recruit new brand buyers and drive higher velocity and greater sales results.” - Adam Ross

More advanced than ever before.

More advanced than ever before - Adam Ross

Highlight: “Running audio through a retail media network partner like Dollar General allows for more granular first-party retailer audience targeting. So, we can really get more advanced with the audience segments for applying than we've ever been able to before. We also are able to pass back all the exposure files to make sure that we close the loop on measurement across audio, so our advertising partners can get the same sort of KPIs and metrics that they're used to seeing across other digital tactics; things like ROAS, sales uplift, the brand analysis—all those goodies.” - Adam Ross

An easy win.

An easy win - Leigh Lovett

Highlight: “We want to reach our customers where they already are. And although our customers for Dollar General are rural, they are very heavy on streaming audio... So with our first-party data, we really like to look for partners that already have a large overlap with that first-party data. So, high-consumption channels that our customers are uniquely already using that we can then put our audio message or programmatic message on that will really resonate with them, because we know they're already consuming content on those channels. And so, it's an easy win for us to partner with those channels.” - Leigh Lovett

So many reasons to love programmatic.

So many reasons to love programmatic - Leigh Lovett

Highlight: “For DG Media Network, programmatic is great for us because we make sure that your spend is efficient. And so with programmatic, we're able to optimize, not only against the tactics that we're running within the campaign, but also the audiences that we're running within a campaign, too. So the ability to lean in more to a channel or an audience that is doing really well and going to get the strongest ROI—that’s one of the reasons we love programmatic.” - Leigh Lovett

If you want to catch the next audio event live, join our community on LinkedIn. We’ll continue to bring you the latest insights, expertise, and tips to create a comprehensive audio advertising strategy. And if you’re ready to get started building a more effective campaign, let’s talk.

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