
The WTF-Does-That-Mean Podcast Advertising Glossary & Guide

With so many people listening, podcast advertising is a must-have for modern media plan. So, now it the time to brush up on your podcast knowledge. Whether you’re a certified PodSnob, or just starting out in the podcast world, we’re here to guide you through the entire podcast process—planning, buying, creative, and measurement. But first, you’ll want to know the industry essentials. And it all starts with some vocabulary (or should we say podcabulary).

Master the Lingo and More

The recent boom in podcast listening means a whole slew of new jargon for advertisers. We know you’re busy, and it can be hard to keep up with this evolving landscape. So we gathered all the freshest podcabulary—from the highly technical to the quirky slang—to make podcast advertising a breeze.

In the glossary, we break the podcast business down into four main categories: planning, buying, creative, and measurement. For overachievers, there's even a bonus section with extra techy and trendy terms. (If you know what a "CJAF" means, you'll get extra credit.)

Ready to launch a podcast campaign now? Let's talk.

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