
Podcasts: The Sound of Summer

MaryKate Breslin, Senior Manager, Market ResearchJun 26, 2024

It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy. As consumers spend more time outdoors, embark on summer road trips, and indulge in some much-needed R&R, there’s one medium they turn to to be their seasonal companion: podcasts. 

Don’t believe us? Consider this: 86% of podcast listeners say they listen to or watch podcasts about the same or more during the summer months. Podcasts are the most versatile medium and the perfect fit for the laid-back, adventurous spirit of summer. Unlike the confines of TV or the endless social media doom scroll, podcasts allow listeners to delve into captivating content while still enjoying other activities. Whether listeners are lounging poolside, taking a morning stroll, or spending time with their kids, podcasts seamlessly blend into the rhythm of summer activities, making the spoken word medium the official soundtrack of summer. Turn up the volume and keep the momentum going with podcasts—we promise your brand will travel far.

A Day in the Life—Summer Edition

The portability, on-demand availability, and vast content catalog of podcasts effortlessly blend into summer routines. With content ranging from captivating narratives and in-depth interviews to thought-provoking discussions and comedic banter, there’s something for every mood, every activity, and every interest.

It goes without saying, then, that podcasts are the perfect source for in-car entertainment as consumers embark on their summer road trips and weekend getaways. In fact, 67% of podcast listeners say they listen to podcasts in the car about the same or more during the summer months. And with more time spent in the car traveling to summer destinations, listeners are also partaking in longer listening sessions. To build brand equity and generate awareness, seize the summer moment—tap into this captive audience to optimize your buy, scale your audience, and maximize the effectiveness of your campaign.

But podcasts are more than just a source of entertainment—they’re a gateway to new worlds, perspectives, and experiences. Whether listeners are seeking adventure, enlightenment, or simply a moment of relaxation, podcasts are the quintessential companion for the summer season and beyond; one in four podcast listeners say that podcasts are an important part of their summer routine. And for many, the summer is a time to slow down, live more deliberately, and escape the distractions we encounter during the rest of the year. Luckily, podcasts limit screen time and afford more meaningful engagement.

Less Screen Time, More Me Time

  • I like that summer provides me with an entertaining alternative to visual media during the summer: 43%

  • When I want to relax during the summer, I typically listen to podcasts: 35%

  • Podcasts are the perfect companion to my outdoor summer activities: 28%

  • Podcasts allow me to have meaningful engagement during the summer: 28%

  • I want to listen to more podcasts this summer and limit my screen time: 27%

  • I spend more time with podcasts during the summer than watching TV: 25%

Co-Listening: Quality Time Meets Quality Content

Summer is a time for exploration and discovery, and podcasts offer a wealth of educational opportunities for curious, young minds. Podcasts have the innate ability to extend the educational experience year-round and create special moments for co-listening and family connections. More than one in three podcast listeners who are parents say podcasts are a good source of learning for their children during the summer.

Relaxed Listeners = Receptive Listeners

Relaxed podcast listeners aren’t just more attentive to the content they’re consuming—they’re also more likely to feel a sense of rapport with the hosts, enhancing the effectiveness of host-read endorsements. And as listeners embrace this peaceful state of mind, they’re more receptive to ads, leading to an increased likelihood of taking action.

For advertisers, there’s a clear benefit from this heightened receptivity and engagement, as these listeners are primed to act upon host recommendations and endorsements. Ensure your summer campaigns are a success by leveraging the most authentic and influential voices in the audio landscape.

Straight From the Source: the Summertime Listening Experience

You don’t have to just take our word for it that podcasts drive the summertime experience. Instead, we’ll let the listeners do the talking for us.

Why do you like listening to podcasts during the summer?

  • "It helps me start my day off right by slowing down and listening to a podcast that motivates, inspires, and uplifts my day."

  • "We usually travel in the summer, so we get more time to listen to podcasts on the drive."

  • "I love podcasts in general, and summer is my favorite season. The positive experience is multiplied."

  • "Podcasts and summertime go hand-in-hand, like reading a book in the summertime. It's just something I like to do more in the summer because I have more time."

What makes podcasts an important part of your summer routine?

  • "They are the perfect thing to listen to while doing anything else because they're entertaining and informative. They come in a variety of lengths, content, and styles, so you can always find what you're looking for."

  • "The fact that they take away from my kid's screen time is most important to me."

  • "Having podcasts my kids like that we can listen to or watch together while swimming or hanging around the house."

  • "It is a way to catch up on popular culture and stay informed. It is also a way to relax and unwind."

  • "It's a good way to get a sense of world events, national events, and social media trends all at once."

Heat Up Your ROI This Summer with Podcasts

To elevate your brand, boost performance, and generate success this summer, turn up the heat with podcasts. Consumers are ready to make a splash and dive into the sonic landscape of podcasts this summer—are you? Let’s talk


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