“Make yourself known,” Andrea Lennon from Omnicom

Feb 20, 2025

Meet Andrea Lennon, Chief Client Officer at Omnicom, where she is responsible for client experience, the global client leadership team, and the overall health of Omnicom’s largest global accounts. Andrea focuses on growth strategies and expertise that help deliver modern and future-forward marketing solutions for her clients. Andrea is experienced in building high performing teams from scratch, successfully scaling marketing innovation and transformation capabilities to new markets and verticals, and partnering with world-class brands to realize their creative, data, and digital initiatives. Despite her executive tenure, Andrea is an entrepreneurial spirit who pushes the boundaries and is equally comfortable in small start-ups and large matrix organizations, driven by the hands-on experience of working within cross-disciplinary teams to deliver award winning and effective work.

Andrea and Jocelyn Hudak, Senior Director, Content and Digital Marketing at SiriusXM Media sat down in our Pass the Mic booth at CES for a conversation. They talked about finding your ambition and vision, helping people when you can, and putting yourself out there even when it's tough.

Ready to hear the full interview? Check out the audio below, then listen to some of the top takeaways from the conversation. 

Pass the Mic with Andrea Lennon - Full Interview

Get to know your leadership team, put yourself out there, make yourself known. We're in a human-first business. And the more humans you know, the better.

Andrea LennonChief Client Officer, Omnicom

Help people. 

Help people, Andrea Lennon - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “I would love to be known for helping people. I've joined a couple of mentoring programs in the last few years, and I find these really strong-minded, focused, ambitious women who maybe are lacking a little bit of confidence because they haven't been through it yet. And I really cherish and treasure those opportunities to engage with people, whether that's on a career development path, or helping agencies and clients solve problems, or helping in any capacity.” - Andrea Lennon

Make yourself known.

Make yourself known, Andrea Lennon - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “I would really encourage people to get out there. It's hard. You don't want to take the time, make the trip, do the things, go to the conference, and have to network. But getting out from behind your screens, getting to know your leadership team, putting yourself out there, just making yourself known—I think that's one of the most important things that you can do. And it does come down to the people. We're in a human-first business, and the more humans you know, the better. Putting yourself out there is really important to that.” - Andrea Lennon

Do one thing today.

Do one thing today, Andrea Lennon - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “What is one thing I can do today? Not 200 things, but what is one thing I can do today? Get it done, really help someone, and advance whatever our cause is. If you can do one or two things really well, and know that you may disappoint some other people by focusing on those one or two things (and not the 98 other things that are sitting on your plate), that's meaningful.” - Andrea Lennon

Be consistent about your vision.

Be consistent about your vision, Andrea Lennon - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “Our ambition is simple. It's around growth, and it's around exceptional client experience. One thing about having a vision is being consistent about your vision. Being really consistent on a vision, making it clear and simple, making sure that all of our activities really and truly embody that, and that we're providing demonstrations of that in all of our business on a day-to-day basis.“ - Andrea Lennon

What are you waiting for? Put yourself out there and make your voice heard. And while you do it, keep Andrea’s words of wisdom in mind. Ready to hear more powerful content from leaders like Andrea? Check out the Pass the Mic page.

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