
Get to Know Advertising Methods on the SiriusXM Streaming Network

Aug 29, 2024

The SiriusXM Media Streaming Network boasts over 93M—with no signs of slowing down any time soon. This extensive reach means your brand can connect with millions of potential customers. 

Partnering with us doesn’t just mean you can get your ads in front of a massive amount of listeners (87% of our audience, if you were curious). It also means you get access to the most popular streaming platforms, the most premier network partners, and, of course, the most effective advertising methods and technology. 

Let’s take a look.

Platforms in the SiriusXM Streaming Network 


Pandora is a household name in the streaming world, known for its personalized listening experience. And when we say household name, that’s not hyperbole. Our beloved platform has 72M listeners, and 80% of those listeners are loyal listeners. Brands can leverage Pandora's extensive user data to create highly targeted campaigns that resonate with listeners.

And let’s not forget addressability—an impressive 87% of Pandora's users listen with ads, providing advertisers access to a vast, highly engaged audience. This strong listener loyalty means that your ads are not only heard but also have a significant impact.

But Pandora isn’t just a streaming service; it’s a platform for discovering music. This unique interaction makes the audience more receptive to advertisements, ensuring your brand message reaches listeners in a context they enjoy.


SoundCloud is a revolutionary platform that has reshaped how music is shared, discovered, and consumed. It empowers musicians to build and grow their careers by providing them with the most progressive tools, services, and resources available. Today, it boasts a vast library of over 400 million tracks from more than 40 million artists worldwide, making it a critical player in the music industry.

By supporting emerging and established artists alike, SoundCloud continually introduces new music and genres to its audience. This artist-first approach not only benefits musicians but also creates a dynamic advertising environment where brands can align themselves with innovative and influential creators.

SoundCloud is a hub for new and emerging music trends. By advertising on the platform, brands can stay ahead of the curve and tap into the latest cultural movements. This forward-thinking approach allows advertisers to position themselves as trendsetters and innovators, enhancing their brand image and appeal.

SoundCloud users are known for their high level of engagement. Listeners come to the platform not just to consume music but to interact with it. They leave comments, share tracks, and follow artists. This level of engagement means that your ads have a higher chance of being noticed and appreciated.

Our Premier Network Partners

By partnering with industry leaders like Audiomack, idobi, Spanish Broadcast System (SBS), Sonos, and Dailymotion, we make it easy for brands to significantly—and easily—extend their messaging's reach.

Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS)

SBS is a leader in Hispanic audio, offering 80% Spanish content. This partnership provides access to a diverse and vibrant Latino audience. Brands can tap into this network to reach a community that is passionate about music, culture, and entertainment.


Audiomack is a platform for discovering the latest in hip-hop, rap, and R&B. It attracts a young and dynamic audience, making it an ideal platform for brands looking to engage with trendsetters and music enthusiasts. And with an audience that is 75% Black, it’s a great place to connect with Black listeners.


Sonos offers an immersive audio experience through its premium sound systems. Advertising on Sonos allows brands to reach a tech-savvy and affluent audience that values high-quality audio. And 57% of Sonos listeners are parents with children, making it a great platform for advertisers looking to reach the whole family.


DailyMotion is a popular video-sharing platform that complements audio content with engaging visual elements. Brands can create integrated campaigns that combine the power of audio and video to capture attention and drive engagement.


idobi is a leading online radio platform catering to alternative and punk rock music fans. It provides brands with access to a loyal and passionate audience, ideal for establishing strong connections. Brands can leverage this niche market for highly targeted campaigns.

Advertising Methods Available on the SiriusXM Streaming Network

When you work with the leader in streaming , you don't have to choose just one type of advertising method. We've got an option to suit every need—check it out.

Audio Ads

Audio has been an impactful storytelling medium for centuries, stirring strong emotions and fully engaging our imaginations. Streaming audio offers advertisers a unique opportunity to connect intimately with their audience, creating a bond that other mediums can't match.

  • Engagement: Audio ads foster a personal listening experience, making it easier to build a direct connection with your audience.

  • Effectiveness: Our network's audio ads have been shown to boost brand favorability by 3% and increase purchase intent by 3%.

  • Storytelling: The human voice can express emotions and nuances that text and images often cannot, making your message more compelling.

Display Ads

We offer a diverse range of display advertising solutions designed to increase user interaction and engagement. From static images to dynamic animations and interactive media, our options include banners, interstitials, and click-through arrays.

  • High Visibility: Display ads capture attention with visually striking placements that are hard to ignore.

  • Active Engagement: Ads are displayed when users are actively interacting with their streaming app, resulting in higher engagement rates.

  • Seamless Reach: Our display ads work flawlessly across all platforms, ensuring your visual content is seen everywhere.

Rewarded Ads

Rewarded ads offer exclusive perks in exchange for user interaction. These ads enhance the user experience while ensuring that your message is seen and remembered.

  • Opted-In Engagement: Listeners choose to engage with your ad, making the interaction more meaningful.

  • Premium Features: Offering ad-free listening or premium features in exchange for viewing your ad creates a positive association with your brand.

Video Ads

Video ads combine the power of audio with compelling visuals, creating a multi-sensory experience. These ads are perfect for high-impact campaigns that require visual engagement. Our video ads are designed for maximum impact. We ensure your message is seen and heard by only serving ads to listeners who are actively engaged with our app and have their phones unlocked.

  • 100% Share-of-Voice (SOV): Enjoy a clutter-free environment where your ad stands out without competing for attention.

  • High Viewability: With viewability rates between 80% and 90%, our performance metrics exceed industry standards, ensuring your ads get seen.

  • Zero Waste: We guarantee 100% in-view performance, so you only pay for ads that are actually seen by your target audience.

Custom Solutions

Custom solutions include sponsored stations, artist sponsorships, and tailored ad experiences. These solutions align your brand directly with the content that listeners love, creating a deeper connection.

  • Less Intrusive: Custom solution ads are less intrusive, reducing disruption and increasing the likelihood of positive engagement.

  • Opportunities for Creativity: By thinking outside the box and creating unique, memorable experiences, you can capture your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression

  • Enhancing Brand Perception: By aligning your brand with content that your audience loves, you position yourself as a thought leader and innovator in your industry.

Make the Most of the Premium Advertising Methods on the SiriusXM Streaming Network

Advertising on the SiriusXM Streaming Network offers brands unparalleled opportunities to reach engaged and diverse audiences. With platforms like Pandora and SoundCloud, and exclusive partners like SBS, Audiomack, Sonos, and more, you can tailor your campaigns to fit any target market.

Ready to take your advertising to the next level? Let's talk.


  • 1.

    Comscore Media Metrix, May 2024

  • 2.

    SiriusXM Media Internal Metrics Q2 2024

  • 3.

     Pandora Internal Metrics Q1 2024

  • 4.

    SBS Internal Data

  • 5.

    Audiomack Internal Data

  • 6.

    Sonos Internal Metrics

  • 7.

    Kantar Millward Brown Brand Study Q2 2022, Lifts shown are statistically significant at 90% confidence interval

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