Use Audio to Add Emotion to Your Holiday Marketing Strategy
Oct 17, 2024Ah, the sounds of the holidays —bells ringing, kids feverishly ripping off wrapping paper with glee, and, of course, the familiar tunes of Mariah Carey, Bing Crosby, and Darlene Love. In fact, 61% of listeners say they use audio content in the lead up to the season to get them in the holiday spirit.
The holidays are an emotional time, and consumers turn to audio throughout it all as a source of support and emotional connection. That’s why it’s imperative that brands add audio to their holiday marketing strategies to stay connected.
The Importance of Creating Effective Holiday Marketing Strategies
Aside from the feel-good nature of holiday advertising, the business case is undeniable. Last year, the National Retail Federation reported $965 billion in holiday spending.
For many retail and service companies, the holiday season accounts for a disproportionate amount of business.
And while your customers are doing their holiday shopping, they’re listening to audio. According to our eCommerce Soundboard study, a whopping 90% of adults listen to audio during their shopping journey. And more than 30% of Pandora listeners reported adding an item to their holiday list after hearing or seeing a holiday ad on the music streaming platform.
Why an Emotional Component is Crucial for Any Ad Experience
Mood and music are intrinsically tied. Music can cause shifts in mood unintentionally or intentionally. Some listeners seek it out as a way to alter or improve a mood, and most report streaming audio to relax. More than three quarters of listeners ages 25-54 say they turn to streaming audio to help boost their mood.
Holiday marketing strategies that positively impact the audience are a bonus. Brands that can align with listener moods and positively associate with their emotional state experience increased ad recall.
Why it Matters Even More During the Holidays
The holidays can be a stressful time, making it hard to slow down and enjoy the spirit of the season. That’s why most people turn to music and holiday-themed audio to put them into the holiday spirit while they run through their endless to-do lists.
More than 60% of listeners report music enhancing the holiday atmosphere, and 83% say it triggers nostalgia, reminding them of holidays past and the good times they had with loved ones.
Audio is the Go-To Companion for Every Mood
Just because streaming audio is positively associated with mood, it doesn’t have to be strictly associated with positive moods.
Listeners turn to true crime podcasts for suspense and horror, sad music when they need a good cry, loud music when searching for catharsis, or dreamy music and monotone podcasts for sleep.
Everyone’s preferences and listening behaviors differ, but most digital audio audiences tie their listening to a range of moods, emotions, and memories.
Offer a Respite with Music and Podcasts
Many younger listeners report music, podcasts, and other forms of streaming audio serving as literal escapes from the constant bombardment of social media and visual stimulation that is so often tied to the holiday season. More than two-thirds of Gen Z respondents said social media makes them anxious, sad, or depressed. However, in the same Gen Z listener report, 80% of respondents said they turn to streaming audio to relax.
Make a Caring Connection
When it comes to podcasts and audio content creators, nearly half of listeners say they feel a personal connection with the host and that they believe the host cares about their audience.
That connection has a direct tie to podcast advertisers. Believe it or not, most podcast listeners don’t mind ads on their favorite shows—some listeners even like them. Over eight in 10 listeners are open to hearing any type of ad, and 91% take any action afterward.
Elevating the Feel-Good Moments
Special holiday moments are rarely celebrated alone. When the food is cooking and the music is playing, family and friends can be found close by. Nearly 60% of streaming audio listening happens while spending time with friends and family.
Advertisers have an opportunity to capitalize on these moments by elevating the good vibes. With special advertising features, like ad-free sponsored listening, you can share an uplifting holiday message with an exponentially larger audience while providing a better all-around experience for everyone.
And, if you play your cards right, they might buy one of their gifts from your brand. Now that’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Mood and Activity Targeting FTW
SiriusXM Media uses the same music genome project that made Pandora famous to align brands with the audiences who actually want or need their products and services. The result: mood and activity targeting.
Analysts evaluate song elements and podcast themes to find dominant mood associations, then the team applies human logic to machine learning tools that can identify the markers across a range of audio content.
Because the SiriusXM Media network uses these tools across platforms, advertisers can find dynamic and scalable audiences.
Take Your Holiday Marketing Strategies to the Next Level with SiriusXM Media
Find your audience exactly where you want to reach them with SiriusXM Media’s powerful mood-targeting capabilities. SiriusXM Media listeners will spend more than 165 million hours on holiday listening this season (and that’s just Pandora).
You can grow your brand and connect with your best audience by using SiriusXM Media’s suite of audience creation tools, including dynamic audio and mood targeting. And because SiriusXM Media can help you find the people looking for you, you can give the gift of less ad clutter this holiday season.
Are you ready to focus your holiday marketing strategies and capitalize on mood-targeting this season? Let’s talk.
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